Saturday, June 25, 2011

Why do we work in circles?

So, my friend was here and has been working a horse. He has his horse going quite well. After a trail ride, I went to work in circls in the arena for just a few minutes. Our goal was a trot in a 60 foot circle without too much difficulty. At this point, my friend asks why? Surprising, he has never tried to work in circles!

Why do we work in circles? What is the point? Well, we work in circles for multiple reasons. First off, our goal is to strengthen the hind quarters. As you bend in a circle while walking, the inside hind leg steps under the body. At a walk, it should be pretty easy to walk in a fairly round circle. It is good to keep an eye on something central and focus on EVERY step as you go around. Try to bend each step as an individual. Strengthening the hindquarters helps lighten your front end which will aid in creating collection.

A second reason we work in circles is to bend and flex our mule. Every step bends them and this stretches the backstrap. Stretching and flexing will assist in reining.

Finally, we work circles to build rapport between you and your mule.

Remember this though.. the most important part of working circles is that we only work about 10 to 15 minutes. It's important that when you are getting bored, so is your mule. Reward yourself and your mule with a fun ride in the hills!!

Happy Trails!

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